Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stress Relief Provided By Herbal Medicine

Chances are, you may not know about the use of herbal medicine to provide stress relief.

We certainly can't blame if you don't. Herbal medicine, after all, is still trying to gain its former popularity and so many people are still in doubt of its efficacy and prefer to use prescription medicine instead. But you see, if you take the time to check historical texts, the use of herbal medicine can date back as far as 5,000 years ago! The efficacy of herbal medicine, therefore, should not be in doubt anymore since it's supported by five millennia worth of proof.

Before we give you an example of herbal medicine that can provide stress relief, however, we shall give you a little bit of do's and don'ts on the subject of herbal medicine to ensure safety and proper use.

Do consult your doctor first before taking any herbal medicine to fight stress or for whatever reason. Self-medication is never good and it can bring you a lot of complications that could have easily been avoided if you had only asked your doctor about your chosen type of medication.

When consulting your doctor, do bring a sample of your herbal medicine so he抣l be able to analyze whether it抯 real and of good quality. To safeguard yourself from cheap herbal medicine imitations, always buy from any herbal medicine store of good and long-standing reputation. These stores may even offer money back guarantee and of course, that wouldn't hurt at all.

Your doctor may also make you aware if there would be any possible negative reactions if and when you do take a particular herbal medicine. That doesn't mean you can't take herbal medicine anymore to provide relief; it simply means that you're just not able to take that particular herbal medicine and you have to search for another.

Lastly, if you're already taking prescription medicine, you truly need to visit your doctor before taking herbal medicine as well because there are instances when a combination of both can result to unwanted complications.

And now for an example of herbal medicine that can provide stress relief:

Catnips ?One of the most common symptoms of stress are diarrhea, increased or loss of appetite and anxiety. If these are stress symptoms that trouble you most, this herbal medicine is definitely what you need because it nurtures the stomach and nerves.

Kada Kava ?This herbal medicine can provide stress relief by vanquishing symptoms like insomnia (typical of workaholics who love to do overtime) and anxiety (typical of workaholics who have high pressure jobs).

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