Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hassle Free Dog Health Tips

The issue of dog health has to feature in a pet owner's mind whenever he has a puppy or an adult dog. Dog ownership is always a responsibility which needs people to be patient, attentive and understanding. This always ensures that dog health basics are followed to maintain a rewarding relationship with each other. This is the reason why dogs are considered the most loyal pets, also being sensitive to the owner's moods. They know facial expressions, tone and understand certain gestures. However, the owner bears the final call when it comes to their health and the overall well being of the pet.

It always helps to have a constant relationship with the veterinary specialists. High level dog health is synonymous with random and regular check ups, training tips and advice about giving the animals the best possible diet. This is the only way dog health problems can be diagnosed early and treated in good time. Some problems that arise are fundamentally simple but the complications arise when they are handled or noticed too late. Dogs are like humans in the sense that foods taken determine how they live. Feeding this animal with junk food or throwing leftovers their dish means that the pet also gets exposed to poor health.

It is pointless to give a dog left over scraps of French fries, cheese burgers or giving him that last slice of pizza before throwing away the box. They also deserve a little bit of roughage, calcium, carbohydrates and all those nutrients that human beings do. The veterinary personnel are very willing to give tips on what a diet should consist. To make things simpler, it is better to just purchase special brand prepared its food from the stores. The rest can come as additions.

Of more importance, mark the behavior of the animal. When it is sick or stressed, or under poor diet, it will start being withdrawn, look dull and respond slower to the master's gestures. The pet should also not get overweight as it undermines the dog health. On the same note, there is no excuse not to train a dog on simple obedience tips. The best training one can offer is verbal responses to good or bad things which it does. Give a verbal indication when displeased with the way or where a dog relieves itself. Verbally showing approval when a good deed is done encourages the animal to do it all the time. It is better than physically punishing them.

Keep the animal clean and check the inside of the ears frequently. Signs of disease can be seen through the inner ears. Dirt and other foreign particles are red flags when dealing with dog health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Md_Abdur_Rahman

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