Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Learning About Home Health Care

An unfortunate part of aging can be losing the ability to take care of yourself. Whether you are living alone or with someone at your constant beck and call, the complication of being able to do less is a continual hardship. There are many solutions to dealing with such a struggle. One in particular that is becoming increasingly popular is home health care.

Home health care is essentially receiving services you would at a hospital or nursing facility inside your own home. The advantages to this in-home care are numerous.

For example, think of some services your daily week requires: laundry, grocery shopping, cooking. Now think of work you have trouble doing that is even more basic in scope: getting out of bed, taking a shower, eating, going to the bathroom. This is where home health care spans and fills the gaps of your need.

Of course, we've all heard this routine before. So how does home health care outweigh that of a nursing home?

The first way is basic, but something on everyone's mind and that's cost of care. As individuals who need care, or as family members looking to provide care for their elders, the most important decision is cost. No one wants to feel like a financial burden on another, nor does a friend or loved one wish to deal with the guilt of paying less for care that provides fewer services, if need be.

With home health care, one doesn't have to worry about sacrificing care for cost. Since any individual receiving these services isn't having to worry about being charged for the utilities of a facility or on-hand resources, the costs instantly dwindle. That leads us to the next advantage.

Remaining in your own home keeps you one step ahead of the game. There's no having to find a sterile room or apartment at a larger facility and trying to make it your 'own.' There's no better advantage than feeling safe in your surroundings and that's the foremost provision of this care: you'll get to feel comfortable sooner and faster than anywhere else.

The next way is by individualized attention. A person doesn't just get home health care, but they can received skilled health services like speech therapy or physical therapy.

While the latter can sound daunting, they're generally not. Often speech therapy begins with practicing new words or word games to help sharpen the mind. Physical therapy as well as occupational therapy can be easy pinpointing of symptoms: from hand stretches to limited weightlifting with the feet. The upshot is it's one-on-one directed.

Overall, it's important to think about home health care in terms of who is the one receiving the benefits. If an individual is struggling and not able to perform everyday maintenance in their life, they shouldn't have to feel embarrassed or out of place to solve the issue. Home health care offers a reliable and personal treatment to the often expensive out-of-house care of nursing homes.

Jack is healthcare professional who specializes in home health care. Check out his Website for more information!

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Hassle Free Dog Health Tips

The issue of dog health has to feature in a pet owner's mind whenever he has a puppy or an adult dog. Dog ownership is always a responsibility which needs people to be patient, attentive and understanding. This always ensures that dog health basics are followed to maintain a rewarding relationship with each other. This is the reason why dogs are considered the most loyal pets, also being sensitive to the owner's moods. They know facial expressions, tone and understand certain gestures. However, the owner bears the final call when it comes to their health and the overall well being of the pet.

It always helps to have a constant relationship with the veterinary specialists. High level dog health is synonymous with random and regular check ups, training tips and advice about giving the animals the best possible diet. This is the only way dog health problems can be diagnosed early and treated in good time. Some problems that arise are fundamentally simple but the complications arise when they are handled or noticed too late. Dogs are like humans in the sense that foods taken determine how they live. Feeding this animal with junk food or throwing leftovers their dish means that the pet also gets exposed to poor health.

It is pointless to give a dog left over scraps of French fries, cheese burgers or giving him that last slice of pizza before throwing away the box. They also deserve a little bit of roughage, calcium, carbohydrates and all those nutrients that human beings do. The veterinary personnel are very willing to give tips on what a diet should consist. To make things simpler, it is better to just purchase special brand prepared its food from the stores. The rest can come as additions.

Of more importance, mark the behavior of the animal. When it is sick or stressed, or under poor diet, it will start being withdrawn, look dull and respond slower to the master's gestures. The pet should also not get overweight as it undermines the dog health. On the same note, there is no excuse not to train a dog on simple obedience tips. The best training one can offer is verbal responses to good or bad things which it does. Give a verbal indication when displeased with the way or where a dog relieves itself. Verbally showing approval when a good deed is done encourages the animal to do it all the time. It is better than physically punishing them.

Keep the animal clean and check the inside of the ears frequently. Signs of disease can be seen through the inner ears. Dirt and other foreign particles are red flags when dealing with dog health.

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Multi Trip Travel Health Insurance

As you consider spending quality time with family and friends during holidays, you must not forget to make sure that you have all the things sorted in case any medical or health related emergency surfaces. Availing a traveler's health insurance is an easy task as there are several service providers who make various options available for every possible need. It works really well in case any problematic situation arises during travelling and it is suggested that anyone looking for investing in a travel medical insurance checks with all the medical insurance companies before making up their mind.

Oftentimes there are incidences like loss of luggage in frisking, trip cancellation, severe medical or health related problem that can be managed with a traveler's insurance policies catering to people's specific needs. These policies also cover compensation for delay or loss of belongings. Amongst other insurance policies,travel medical insurance policies provide the requisite coverage for travelling concerns. Such policies and schemes are also inclusive of payments that can get the patient back home if the situation calls for it.

These policies vary in terms of weather any extra amount shall be levied upon the policy holder in case medical evacuation involves services of air ambulance or a medical team accompanying the patient. The traveler may opt to go for other additional benefits that he or she would like to make a part of his or her travel insurance package.

Being equipped with appropriate insurance policy gives the traveler an added security for when the emergency strikes. Medical insurance companies design these policies to manage a number of health related risks that can be expected from travelling. It provides necessary financial and medical security to the traveler. It specifically provides coverage for emergency hospitalization to emergency air evacuations from beginning to end of the trip, hence the policy provides coverage for almost the entire trip. You need to only select the maximum number of days you plan to be away on any one trip. Then travel worry free as many times as you like during the year. Frequent Travelers looking for evacuation and medical coverage, when outside of their fixed permanent residence, should double check upon various details before making a purchase.

In nutshell, you have to ascertain that you and your family's health are secured against serious medical expenses that could hamper your financial well being. Traveler's health insurance can help travelers when additional costs are incurred due to sudden unwanted incidences in the travel plan.

Expat Global Medical is a leading expat health insurance providing health insurance for expatriate to travelers around the world. We offer all kind of travelers health insurance services like medical insurance companies, US health insurance and much more.

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Water and Health

Water is the life blood of every living thing in the world. Most of the earths surface is covered by water. Plants, fruits, vegetables, Animals, and Mammals need water to survive. Humans are no different. Water should be the beverage of choice for all of us. Sadly it is not. As a result some people suffer the consequences of not making significant water drinking a daily priority.

As I grew up my mother would always tell me to drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. I'm assuming she heard this somewhere. Perhaps she heard it on Oprah or one of the talk radio shows she used to listen to. I can still hear her telling me to drink lots of water till this very day. At times she would not let me drink anything else until I had met my water requirements for the day. Often I would tell her I had drank enough water at the water fountain at school so I could drink kool-aid or soda. That response never worked. Most of my meals as a child were occupied by a glass of water. I'm thankful that she created the habit in me to drink water regularly because it has afforded me good health. Currently experts actually say you should drink water with meals because it helps the body feel refreshed.

Seventy percent of our body is made up of water. Half of our weight is water weight. Water aids in our internal systems working properly. Our blood and cells are mostly made up of water as well. When we don't drink enough water our bodies actually retain water. We can tell that this is happening because our urine will be dark yellow. This is the bodies way of telling us that we need to drink more water. On the contrary when our urine is light yellow or clear our body is getting rid of excess water because we are fully hydrated. You really want to stay on this end of the spectrum.

Some experts say we should drink half of our weight in ounces of water a day. If it is warm outside we should drink more water than usual. While exercising or doing strenuous activity that causes us to sweat we should drink water before during, and afterwards. If we do not do this we may become dehydrated. There are a lot of unhealthy consequences that come with dehydration such as fainting, headaches, strong smelling urine, and many more you don't want to experience.

There are many ways we can get our daily dose of water. Foods we eat such as fruits, and vegetables contain lots of water. Natural fruits, and vegetables are the best source not those that are processed in a bag or can. Many of the drinks we drink daily have lots of water in them even coffee. However, be careful not to totally depend on juice, soda and kool-aid for your hydration sources as these drinks have high sugar and calories that aren't good for the body in high doses. Pure H2O is always a pure and elite source of hydration. In addition for every serving of alcohol we drink we should drink a cup of water to subdue it because alcohol actually absorbs water.

I am aware that many people just don't like the taste of water. There are many water supplements on the market that give water flavor as well as added vitamins and minerals that are actually good for you. Personally my water flavor enhancer of choice is twist tubes by a certified organic health and wellness company. They have several flavors that help enhance immunity, joint health, and fruit and vegetable servings the body needs. The flavors range from orange to kiwi strawberry. Personally I use the immunity Kiwi strawberry flavor in place of airborne. I have found that these twist tubes give my water a delicious flavor without all the added sugar, and calories that other competing water flavoring brands give.

Really there is no excuse for not staying hydrated and drinking enough water everyday. If you are not currently drinking water I suggest you start to make this a regular routine in your life. You will feel better, and it will help your health. Your body will thank you.

Justin Douglas is a health consultant who studies various health issues, and remedies weekly. He writes blogs and articles to further assists those who he would not be able to help without the reach of the internet. For more information about other health issues and remedies visit also Feel free to email Justin for a free consultation or questions about other certified organic health remedies and this article at

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Bulimia Stories - Health Risks of Bulimia Catch Up to You

Bulimia can affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health in so many different ways. I've read a lot of bulimia stories and they all speak of the devastating effects this eating disorder has on your health and wellbeing. I also know firsthand the impact of bulimia having lived with it for 20 years.

Bulimia is corrosive. While its physical effects eat away at your body, its emotional impact eats away your mind and your very spirit.

Thanks to the women who have generously shared their bulimia stories and the research that's been done over the past few decades, we now know better the extent of the physical and psychological side effects of bulimia.

Physical bulimia symptoms

We know that bulimia affects proper function of vital organs such as the kidneys and the heart, the digestive system and even the brain.

We know that the bones suffer as a result of nutritional deficiencies. We know that the stomach acids rot the teeth, cause damage to the food pipe and can cause ulcers, as well. We also know that bulimia can cause gynecological problems such as infertility, irregular periods or loss of periods all together.

We know that bulimia can age you before your time causing your skin to lose its elasticity and youthful glow, your hair can fall out and muscles grow weak.

While the physical symptoms are becoming easier to identify, we're still learning about the causes of bulimia and what the eating disorder can do to your mental health and wellbeing.

Psychological bulimia symptoms

We know that bulimia can lead to self-hatred because bulimics, while they may not admit it, know they're damaging their bodies. You know that binging and purging is terrible for you, but when you lack the control to stop it you end up hating yourself for doing it.

Then there is the guilt of keeping the disorder a secret and lying constantly to hide your destructive behaviors. Low self-esteem can be both a cause and effect of bulimia. The no-win cycle of guilt, self-loathing and shame only perpetuates the addiction further.

This is why so many bulimia stories speak of deliberate isolation, self harm (such as cutting), suicidal thoughts, depression and even secondary addictions. With bulimia you lose your ability to recognize sensations such as hunger and fullness and start to eat to feed emotional hungers rather than physical ones. You develop strange cravings and feel out of control to resist them.

These are just some of the ways bulimia can corrode your life, physically damaging your body and psychologically disrupting your mind. While there can be damage to both the physical and psychological well being, successful bulimia treatments are designed to address both aspects of the individual.

Polly Mertens lived with bulimia for 20 years and now fully recovered. She shares bulimia information through her blog, newsletter and eBooks. Visit her website to learn more about the valuable resources for people starting their recovery journey and start yours today.

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